

The Israeli Olympic Committee is constantly working on establishing an infrastructure for developing the organization’s resources.


Fundraising for the promotion of various projects of the Olympic Committee is of paramount importance to the success of Olympic athletes as well as the promotion of equally important goals relating to the welfare and success of future athletes, as well as the treatment of athletes after retirement and more.


Here are some of the projects that the IOC is working on and for whose benefit it makes an effort to raise donations from all who feel that the development of sports in the State of Israel is important:


Supporting the Israel Olympic Delegation for the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020 – The athletes in the delegation are the heart of the Olympic Committee. Support can be directed to a specific discipline or team.


Youth 2024 – This is the current flagship project of the Olympic Committee of Israel. The goal of the project is to invest in developing and advancing the future generation. Through this initiative we hope to cultivate athletes at a young age in such a way that will allow them to continue competing for a longer time at the highest possible level.


“The Day After” – A project that accompanies the Olympic athletes on the day after retirement, providing close guidance and support throughout the transition into a “second career” and everyday life.


Coaches – Investing in coaches that help train the athletes is critical in the world of elite sports. The Olympic Committee financially supports the associations that aid coaches in reaching the international level. This project also includes another important long-term objective: upgrading the stature and employment conditions of coaches in Israel.


Olympic Values Education and the “Olympic Experience” – The Olympic Project of the IOC and the Olympic Visitors Center (Olympic Museum, Hall of Fame for Olympic Sports in Israel) are projects dear to the heart of the IOC.


From an educational perspective, the Olympic Committee in Israel regards Olympic Values Education as a national mission. The target audience for these projects is first and foremost the youth of Israel. The goal is that by teaching values ​​such as equality, fair play, determination, courage and more, we can make our society as a whole better, stronger, and healthier.


Do you want to hear more? Would you like to donate?

We would love to hear from you!





Vered Bouskila

Vice President – The Israel Olympic Committee

Cell # 972-523-802395

Phone # 972-3-6498385


Fax # 972-3-6498395